Discover the difference between conventional chiropractic and structural chiropractic
Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic is an analysis driven approach that does not involve cracking, twisting or popping your neck EVER. We use a very specific series of neurological tests and advanced imaging in the form of cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) that allow us to engineer a gentle and precise correction to the neck that is unique to each person.
Upper cervical care is a health care procedure that has ONE GOAL- to locate, analyze, and correct structural shifts in the neck and restore normal joint motion
A structural shift can disrupt the spinal nerves and spinal cord, creating many different secondary conditions or symptoms. The location of the Structural Shift and where the nerves are being disrupted will give us an idea about your secondary conditions. We're proud to be the only one in San Ramon to utilize state-of-the-art 3D imaging in order to accurately determine which secondary conditions are common depending on the structural shift. Common conditions include:
It's important to understand the link between posture and improper biomechanics of the spine to lower back pain.
New Patient Forms
First, when you arrive to our chiropractic office in San Ramon, we’ll ask you to fill out our new patient intake forms. This paperwork provides us basic information about you, as well as your medical history and a description of your condition.
Chiropractor Consultation
Next, you’ll have consult with Dr. Jimmy Wang to chat about your health-related problems and concerns, as well as potential treatment options. This initial visit is designed for Dr. Jimmy Wang to understand exactly where you are at with your health and provide a roadmap to get you feeling your absolute best.
Chiropractic Exam
After your initial discussion, Dr. Jimmy Wang will perform a complete chiropractic exam to get a full understanding of what is going on with your body. this exam includes:
Findings Report
After the exam is completed and analyzed, Dr. Jimmy Wang will provide a Customized Detailed Report of the results of the exam. We use that data to develop a specialized and unique care plan tailored to you so you can be assured you're getting the best care.
Chiropractic Treatment
After discussing the findings, we can begin your specific structural adjustment. The specific and gentle nature of the Blair correction allows for maximum acceptance and ease of structural alignment. It is also accomplished without any forceful manipulation, twisting, or cracking of the spine.
Come Visit Us!